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November 2006 Archives

November 6, 2006

Buildings Popping Up like Mushrooms

I half wonder is this great boom is about to go bust, on my walk to the L train at Lorimer (on Keap Steet) I counted about three major sites where buildings have been torn down but nothing seems to be going back up:

City Sees Growth; Residents Call It Out of Control

"The city’s goals were ambitious. Greenpoint-Williamsburg was meant to be a model of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s vision for former industrial zones, an example of empathetic urban planning. In exchange for letting developers build residential towers on the waterfront, where factories had stood for decades, the city created a plan that it said would add residential growth and preserve the character of the neighborhood inland. At the same time, the plan was to provide thousands of apartments for low- and middle-income families, acres of green space, and protection for residents and businesses being displaced by the growth.

City officials say that their plan is right on schedule, especially by the waterfront, where construction has started on projects that will produce 460 below-market apartments, plus an initial few acres of parkland. But among many residents and community leaders, there is a nagging sense that the government has not moved fast enough to keep pace with developers.

In September, the city’s Department of Buildings received 337 complaints about construction in Greenpoint-Williamsburg, more than twice the filings from the community board of another fast-growing area nearby. In the heart of the rezoned area, near McCarren Park, luxury towers climb skyward, yet only nine new apartments of low- and middle-income housing are being built, far below the city’s original estimates."

Williamsburg: Buildings Popping Up like Mushrooms

November 20, 2006

Sleepy L Train Hipsters Montage

Photographed Sunday, November 19th 2006 on the L train approaching the Bedford Avenue stop with my Treo Cell Phone camera. Click on thumbnail to see full size:

Sleepy L Train Hipsters Montage, Williamsburg Brooklyn 11211

November 26, 2006

SMS the Rabbi

This isn't quite kosher for Ultra-Orthodox Rabbis yet, but perhaps that will change in time:

Have a question about halakha - why not SMS the rabbi?

"The Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, writes and receives an average of no less than 3,000 cellphone text (SMS) messages a month. Almost all are questions of halakha (Jewish law), to which Aviner responds in short, "permitted" or "forbidden", without giving the reason."

About November 2006

This page contains all entries posted to The Williamsburg Nerd in November 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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December 2006 is the next archive.

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