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Robotrain set to Attack in 2008!

It's sad that they're going to humiliate the poor motormen by making them take instructions from a computer! Also the idea of being stuck in a tunnel with a robotrain doesn't thrill me. However I do like the idea of digital signs:

Robotrains At Least A Year Away

"The MTA’s plan to put computer-operated trains on the L line is at least a year away. The agency says the trains have been ordered, but won’t arrive until June, at which point they will need to be outfitted with the computer technology and train the operators and conductors.

The high-tech trains will first be driven by motormen taking instructions from a computer and signal system on how fast to go and when to stop. The next step is to have the trains assume all driving duties with the motormen taking over only if necessary.

Meanwhile, the MTA is gearing up to expand the L-line's new digital platform screens.The screens, which were installed earlier this month, tell straphangers exactly when the next train is expected to arrive.


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