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Construction on Keap and Ainslie

Construction on Keap and Ainslie: This is the space behind the gas station at the north edge of Keap Street by the second stop of the L train. There use to be an industrial one story building here with a parking lot

This is the space behind the gas station at the north edge of Keap Street by the second stop of the L train (to view the image at a larger size click here). There use to be an industrial one story building here with a parking lot — but now it's going upscale...

Collage created from two photos taken on March 15th, 2008.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 17, 2008 12:26 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Diary of a Telephone Operator.

The next post in this blog is Animal Crossing Diary.

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