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Clovis Press: An Inside Story

On my Flickr page someone posted some interesting inside information on the closing of Clovis Press. I hate to admit it, but maybe this isn't yet another case of landlord greed in Williamsburg. In fact it seems some of the folks who worked there tried to buy the store out before it went down. Here's a link from a related blog entry:

The end of Clovis Press

I dunno what I felt. Slight shock. Disappointment. But mainly anger. Anger at the owner, NOT anger at the landlord. When Aaron, Angela and I worked at Clovis Books, things were great. Great for the store, which we ran well. Great for us, because we ran a store we loved (even though we didn't make any money). Great for the owner, who watched her profits increase, and got three managers for the price of three peons.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 21, 2006 12:27 AM.

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