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Cowboy Hipster Havemeyer Loft Sale

Cowboy Hipsters at the Loft Sale Above: Collaged photographs from a yard sale near Havemeyer taken on Sunday April 30th, 2006. Someone with a loft had lost their lease (it may be the guy playing the guitar on the right) and put on a sidewalk sale. There was a somber yet slightly festive mood to the sale.

Music Items and a Tiki God
Above: Another collaged photo of various items for sale. You could tell by the items that the person had an interest in music and tiki gods.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 10, 2006 4:28 PM.

The previous post in this blog was The Williamsburg Bridge in the Fog.

The next post in this blog is Interview of Interest: Paul Kermizian.

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