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Interview of Interest: Paul Kermizian

Paul Kermizian is a filmmaker - but he's also owner of Barcade, a cool bar near my apartment that is loaded with tons of old arcade video games (and quality beer too). There's a good interview with him at Gothamist:

Paul Kermizian, filmmaker and owner of Barcade

How did you and your partners come up with the idea for Barcade?
I think it probably comes from parties I used to have in my apartment. I had 4 arcade games – Tetris, Mappy, Zaxxon and a Ms.Pac Man/Pac Man combo. The games were wildly popular with my drunk friends, except for Mappy. No one remembers that game. Anyway, it just seemed like a good match.

It also seems that he's done a cool mini-photowebsite on how they put together the bar:

The Making of Barcade

Barcade is located at 388 Union Ave. in Brooklyn. Their first ever video game tournament is tomorrow night (Tuesday) from 6-9 PM.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 10, 2006 5:12 PM.

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