Packaged Ice by Marcy and Broadway

South 5th street facing north between Rodney and Keap Street.
View from the J train leaving the Marcy Avenue stop looking down at the bus lot.
...back at my studio on Bleecker Street, the view of the courtyard.
From a series of photos taken in Greenpoint, Brooklyn on October 2004.
Full Set 24 figures Perico, Double O.G., Sister Mary Maria, Sancho, Gremlin, Mack Daddy, Quasiloco, Birdy, Fuego Man, Crickett, Bugsy, La Chunky, Baby Mama (with Lalo and Malo), Mariachi Pablo, Poco Loco, Adelita, Bullet, Sneaky, Payasa, Chaparro, and Da Fool.
In 1952, as part of the construction of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, or BQE, the City of New York acquired this property and transferred jurisdiction to Parks. The BQE was built under the direction of Robert Moses (1888-1981) between 1946 and 1964. This massive, six-lane, 11.7 mile-long expressway cost $137 million in federal, state, and municipal funds to complete. Today, Rodney Playground South features timberform play equipment, a comfort station, picnic tables, swings, and benches. For local residents, it is a welcome place for rest and recreation.
It's funny but it all seems such a short time ago, my how time flies when you're working day and night and day and night. My one regret as a workaholic is that I don't get to hang out and just explore Williamsburg more often, and what I do like about this place is that there are so many nice places to go.
Anyway the fair will be well worth checking out when it returns, that dates are:
June 17 + 18 in Williamsburg's McCarren Park from 11am - 6pm.
From time to time I see lights inside so I assume that someone is doing something with it. I'd love to see it restored to being a real movie theater again, or better yet some kind of theatrical performance or music space. The only down point to this would be the noise from the J line.
This picture was taken on the Manhattan side of the bridge where the two walkways come together. Photo taken on February 6, 2005 with my handy Treo cell phone camera (and retouched in Photoshop).
Above: Another collaged photo of various items for sale. You could tell by the items that the person had an interest in music and tiki gods.
Collage made from photos from Treo Cell Phone camera taken on December 26, 2006. Click on the image to see it full size.
They're starting to make some real progress tearing down the old movie theater on Rodney and Broadway. My guess is that it's making way for condos. The odd thing is that I think the location is pretty bad for condos as the location kisses the elevated J line on Broadway, so if you have windows facing the street you'll be able to see the J train from your kitchen.
Collaged from a series of photos from January 8, 2006.
Collaged photos from a knick-knack shop window near Leonard Street and Grand Street. This display had a very quirky quality to it as you had these oversized parrots looming over a set of cartoonish grandparents on the left, whom seem oblivious to poor Jesus on the cross to the right. Inverting the photos adds to the surrealism of the iconic images.
Click on the photo to see it at full size. Photographed on January 29, 2007 with my Canon PowerShot SD600.
Click on the image to view at full size...
I found this note in the center of the hallway at my apartment building. Although I don't speak Spanish I was able to translate bits via Google's translation tool. From what I can see the poster was upset at the loud music from apartment 26. The two replies seem to be from the person in 26 who seems to be upset about the public nature of the notice.
Photo taken at 331 Keap Street on February 3rd, 2007.
Crossing the Williamsburg Bridge I'm always a bit let down by the street art, but I was recently very impressed by this work on the entrance sign on the Manhattan side of the bridge. This is a detail from the larger image of three abstract faces. I love the use of color and the quality of the line.
Photographed January 31st, 2006.
Childrens store window display around Manhattan Street and Grand Street. In an era of multi-national chain stores, it always entertaining to view the unslick displays at local Mom and Pop stores. What made this display interesting was that the mannequins had a very Soviet quality to them. Inverting the photo adds to the surreaism of the scene.
Click on the photo to see it full size. Photographed on January 29, 2007 with my Canon PowerShot SD600.
Seen above is the sun setting on Broadway in Williamsburg, Brooklyn near the entrance to the Hewes subway station.
Seen above is a storefront sign on Broadway in Williamsburg, Brooklyn near the entrance to the Hewes subway station. I like how the "i" in the word wines is painted in place. I think it's only a matter of time until Broadway will bloom again as the real estate money moves east across Williamsburg.
To see the each photo at full size just click on it. Photographs taken on May 20th, 2007.
Seen above is the entrance to Frenchies Gym as taken from the platform of the Marcy Street subway station. If you look upclose you can see a person standing in the shadows next door and a suitcase on the sidewalk. Next door to Frenchies is the Brooklyn Queens Expressway to the right of this picture.
Click on the photo to view it at a larger size. Photographed on May 21st, 2007.
Shown left to right, and top to bottom (click on the image to see it at full size):
- A Christmas tree decorates the garbage bins in front of 331 Keap Street.
- A Santa decoration on the door of a Chinese take out establishment on Marcy and Broadway.
- The long lines at the Williamsburg Post Office.
- Hallway decorations at 331 Keap Street.
Photos taken on December 18th, 2007.
I'm always amazed at how much history there is in "Non-Colonial Williamsburg". Shown above is a double exposed print I made of the Williamsburgh Savings Bank, which is now owned by HSBC. This local landmark was constructed between 1870 until 1875, with additions as late as 1925. For more details on the bank go here...
To see the image at full size, just click on it!
Photographed December 30th, 2007.
This is the space behind the gas station at the north edge of Keap Street by the second stop of the L train (to view the image at a larger size click here). There use to be an industrial one story building here with a parking lot — but now it's going upscale...
Collage created from two photos taken on March 15th, 2008.
I always see this musician performing on the J train, I always give him something as I'm impressed that he goes through the trouble to bring his own mini-amp with him.
Photographed March 14th, 2008.
This is a collage I made from two photos, the texture is a from a wall in Williamsburg and the subway escalator from the Bowery station (I guess I'm a J train man). This photo was taken with my new iPhone from March 26th through the 29th, 2008. Click on the image to view it at full size...
The skylight and the view of my backyard at 331 Keap Street.
Collage from iPhone photos taken on April, 2008.
Photographed on April 27th, 2008.
Mittman's Pharmacy is located at 167 Havemeyer Street by South 3rd. I've only wandered around Havemeyer on weekends so it's hard for me to tell if this place is still in business. The painted decorations on the side of the shop remind me of folk art.
Update: So by chance I was wandering near Mittman's Pharmacy and yes they are still very much in business! The place is tiny inside, in fact while they did have a few small items in sale the store is pretty much only a pharmacy. It was like one of the many micro-sized Chinese take out places in he hood, except that they sell medicine instead of lo mein.
Returning from the crafts fair I came across several street performers with English accents. However they were fleeing north, so to engage this chap I accused him of being a hipster and managed to capture this image.
Thanks to my Flickr pal wellohorld I found out that our bunny is in fact a chicken! His name is Chicken Nuts (real name is Matthew Silver) and performs as part of the Bedford Circus of Fools. They perform for free on Bedform every Sunday at 1pm!
My guess is that if they don't start charging pretty soon they'll be the Bushwick Circus of Fools...
Photographed on June 15, 2008.
Returning from the crafts fair I got this deconstructed shot of a mural at the north of the park.
Photographed on June 15, 2008.
Located around North 4th and Berry — photographed on April 27th, 2008 with my iPhone.
Believe it or not Ortiz Funeral Home is a chain with several locations in the New York City area. Although looking at this neon sign you can tell that this location has been in Williamsburg for a long time. What's odd about he location is that it sits right next door to the ramp where the Williamsburg Bridge joins the Brooklyn Queens Expressway (this shot was taken on Havemeyer Street). On the other side is a parking lot and entrance.
I pretty much lost the later half of December and all of January working on a never ending client project with a killer deadline. The result of this was that more often than not I'd cab it home right as the sun was rising on Williamsburg. Instead of having the cabbies take me directly to my doorstep I always get off at the second exit on the bridge at South 5th and Havemeyer — this allows them as a courtesy to quickly get back to Manhattan, but it also allows me to to wander a few blocks home while collecting my thoughts.
Photographed at Spoonbill & Sugartown, Booksellers on Sunday April 26, 2009.
I took this photo during the summer on one of those rare days where I made it home before sunset. This shot shows the sun setting from the Marcy train station, in the distance you can see the Williamsburg bridge. Below is a faux polaroid version of the same shot:
One thing that you find in Brooklyn but really don't see in Manhattan are folks selling shaved ices during the summer. I took this shot around August on Keap Street. Below is a fax Polaroid camera version of the same shot for the retro look:
Sadly during the Summer I had to pull an all nighter or two, but getting to see the sunrise can be a nice end to a day. This shot was taken at dawn at the Marcy subway stop looking east on Broadway.
Believe it or not this photo was taken in Williamsburg, not it's not a local park — but in fact is an empty yard on Broadway. For the most part they have it fenced off, but one day it was open so I took some shots:
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